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NeoBux cel mai sigur PTC
2013-01-21, 3:02 AM

Neobux este cel mai sigur, mai performant si mai corect site PTC (Paid To Click), cea mai simpla metoda de a face bani pe net, doar vizualizand cateva reclame zilnic, nu te vei imbogati dar vei castiga ceva bani de buzunar daca te implici.

Pentru a te convinge ca acest site chiar plateste membrii, poti vedea pe Forumul pagini NeoBux sau direct de AICI cateva mii de dovezi de plata, postate de catre membrii multumiti de acest serviciu.
Se poate observa acolo chiar si una dintre cele mai mari plati efectuate catre un user, si anume suma de peste 5000$ (da, cinci mii dolari), deci se poate castiga si multi bani, in cazul acelui user fiind vorba si de o investite in cateva sute de refferali, care i-au adus acel castig.

Platile se fac prin PayPal sau Payza. Nu ai cont PayPal? deschide unul acum , in acest cont vei primi banii castigati in NeoBux si de aici transferati pe cardul tau in Romania) Deschide Cont PayPal.

Fa-ti timp 10 minute pentru a da 10-16 click-uri zilnic pe nişte reclame, poţi face uşor bani pe net din confortul casei tau, stand in faţa calculatorului. Cum poţi castiga mai multi dolari cu Neobux ? Simplu: cu referalii. Acestia sunt persoane de pe urma carora esti platit la fiecare click pe care ei îl dau.

ATENTIE!!! Regula de aur este sa intri zilnic pe site si sa vizualizezi reclamele, asa vei primi castigul de la referali tai.Inscriere NeoBux cel mai sigur PTC din lume, clic pe bannerul de mai jos pentru a te inscrie.

Categorie: Bani garantat din PTC | Adăugat de: Zz3nox | Tag-uri: paypal, neobux, bani pe net
Vizualizări: 1083 | Descărcări: 0 | Comentarii: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 1
1 Patricia  
This is an e-mail I recently sent to the crrekoos behind the site called TheProfitableBux / Hiyp . Please read it carefully:Gentlemen,This refers to my earnings of $1.7072 earned with your site once called The Profitable Bux but now The Profitable Hyip . It has to be settled by you immediately as I had reached the minimum amount of payout which had been established at the time of my joining.May be it is true that you have the right to change or implement your programme your own way. May be it is true that you have the right to change the membership pattern asking clickers to pay you first. I am fully aware in that way you will be able to collect mass of dollars from some innocent clickers (members) but you have no right to retain the money that was earned as per the rules and regulations that was active at the time of my joining so it is illegal and illicit and indecent if someone retains others money earned legally.Continuing or discontinuing my membership with you is my right. I understand why you are not releasing clickers’ monies because you want them pay dollars to your site to keep their membership further.Yesterday, when I submitted my request for payout it was accepted. Later you change your payout portion of you site to notify – “This section has been disable for your membership type”. I disclosed the facts to your Forum but now you have banned me from using it. You must aware that there are no rules applicable to someone’s earnings. If somebody earned something in a legal way,it should be paid. That’s the law. TI believe you will understand this situation and release my money without further delay preventing me from disclosing these facts to the world. However this will be my last request in this regard.Please reply.Chananand

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